New skincare got your face doing weird ish? Truth be told - This is NORMAL! Skin, like almost everything else, can take a little time to adapt and adjust, and this is all too common with starting any new skincare routine. Now, it doesn’t mean you are doomed to have issues with changing to new products, but it does mean that you might have to start slow when incorporating new things!
So let’s break down what could potentially happen to your skin when you first begin a new routine, and why it happens! First of all, if you begin using a product (or products) that contains higher percentages of active ingredients, your skin can begin to exfoliate dead skin cells much faster than previously. With this, it can cause some flakiness and even almost a dry look or feel to the skin, when in reality, your skin is simply sloughing dead skin cells that needed to go bye bye to bring healthy, new skin cells to the surface.
Secondly, new skincare can also cause the skin to purge, or breakout, when you first begin using them. This is also from the boosted exfoliation as it can bring up underlying congestion and sebum, and pull that out from the pores. This is a good thing, as it is clearing the skin all at once and cleaning out pores so they stay clear in the future. Purging, sadly, can last up to 8 weeks sometimes, but I assure you, it is WORTH IT!
Thirdly, redness and *slight* irritation can occur as well, as the skin’s barrier is adjusting to new and active products. If this happens, simply back down on how often you use the product that is causing redness, and use extra moisturizer! However, if any new product you use burns or causes extreme redness and irritation, this is a no no. You might be allergic to something in the product, or your skin is highly sensitive naturally and cannot tolerate the product or products.
Typically, within a few weeks, your skin will adjust and you will be noticing AMAZING benefits! So be patient, keep your skin extra hydrated, START SLOW (use the new products just a few times a week!), and don’t get discouraged!
